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Engagement Readiness Assessment - Mental Health and Addictions

This assessment will determine the readiness of your project to engage patients, families, and communities. 

Please read the following statements/questions and answer to the best of your ability. 

‘Yes" means you have addressed all the concerns and information requirements.

“No” means you don’t have the information you need.

“Maybe" means you need to proceed with caution, or you may not have all the information required.

0% answered


Is there a decision to be made?

* required

Will there be tangible outcomes as a result of your engagement process?

* required

Can patients/families/communities contribute to the decision in a meaningful and substantive way?

* required

Are you (your team/project leads/decision makers) truly open to considering diverse views and perspectives of patients/families/communities in the engagement process?

* required

Are patients/families/communities well enough informed to participate?

* required

Is the decision you need to make relevant to patients/families/communities?

* required