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With our scope of work in mind, which of the following climate action goals are important to you or your organization?  (You may select more than one.)

If you'd like to suggest goals we haven't thought of, please share them in the "Other" option.

Definitions  Climate change mitigation: “ intervention that aims to reduce the causes of climate change, remove heat-trapping greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and stabilize their levels” (2). “Mitigation also applies to reducing emissions of other substances that have a warming effect on the climate.” (3).  Climate change adaptation: “The process of modifying our decisions, activities, and ways of thinking to be proactive and better prepared, as well as reactive and better able to respond to a changing climate and its impacts on health.” (2). 
Addressing the KEY DRIVERS of climate change (i.e. culture of exploitation, deforestation and land use, fossil fuel dependency)
Planning for public health considerations in EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS
Incorporating climate considerations into POLICIES and DECISIONS that impact the built environment (ex. parks, buildings, roads, sidewalks) and transportation options
Contributing to conversations and decision-making about EQUITABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS to address climate change
Working to build climate-resilient FOOD SYSTEMS and address FOOD SECURITY
Preventing and addressing the MENTAL HEALTH impacts of climate change and climate-driven events in local communities
Responding to and preventing INFECTIOUS DISEASES as they change with new climate conditions locally
Understanding and communicating the increases and risks in NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE (e.g. cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and diabetes) associated with climate change
Addressing the AIR AND WATER QUALITY impacts of climate change
Using an EQUITY lens to ensure that climate change action emphasizes those who are most vulnerable to its impacts